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Become an Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health at GBHI – Apply Now!

The Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program at GBHI is providing innovative training, networking, and support to emerging leaders focused on improving brain health and reducing the impact of dementia in their local communities and on a global scale.

It is one of seven global Atlantic Fellows programs to promote fairer, healthier, and more inclusive societies.

What do Atlantic Fellows gain from the program?
  • Curriculum
    • Fellows engage in interdisciplinary learning sessions related to brain health, dementia, and health equity including: neuroscience, health economics, social determinants of health, health policy, etc.
    • Through observational, case-based and experiential learning fellows gain insight into the lived experience of people with dementia in clinical and community-based settings, and engage in projects aimed at advancing brain health.
    • Fellows will develop skills that can help them succeed in acquiring funding for their future work, and improve public speaking and other forms of dissemination of ideas.
    • Fellows receive leadership training aimed at setting them up to be a transformative influence on brain health around the world.
  • Career Development and Pilot Funding
    • Throughout the program and beyond fellows will receive career mentorship from faculty at GBHI and in their local community. Mentors will help fellows to realize their goals and be transformative and will assist them in applying for competitive pilot awards of up to $25,000 to begin an ambitious project in their home community.
  • Lifelong Fellowship
    • Becoming an Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at GBHI doesn’t end upon completion of the program. In fact, their fellows become part of a lifelong engaged community which extends and amplifies the impact of the fellowship. The inter professional and interdisciplinary nature of the program encourages collaborations across sectors and each fellow contributes greatly to the cohort through sharing their experience and expertise.
Who should apply?
  • The program is for people from a wide range of disciplines, including the arts, sciences, economics, policy, medicine, journalism, community-based practice and much more. Whatever the discipline, they are looking for individuals working in the area of brain health and dementia who have great ideas, enthusiasm and leadership potential. Furthermore, the ideal fellow is someone who engages across disciplines, breaks down traditional barriers, and is committed to resolving issues around the inequities in brain health and dementia around the world.
Where does the fellowship take place? 
  • Atlantic Fellows at GBHI join the full-time, residential program for 12 months at either the University of California, San Francisco (USA) or Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). While much of the core Atlantic Fellows program at GBHI is a shared experience between the founding sites, there are specific opportunities at each site that may be aligned with your specific training and career goals. Applicants must select one site for the fellowship-year experience on the application. 
Eligibility Criteria/Expectations of Applicants
  • Willingness and availability to complete 12 months of education in residence, full-time, in San Francisco (USA) or Dublin (Ireland)
  • Long-term commitment to the values, mission, and goals of the program, including a potential pilot project following the fellowship year.
  • The ability to bring creative and relevant projects to fruition
  • Ideas that could transform the global brain health environment in vulnerable communities 
  • Proficiency in English
  • Successful completion of field-specific terminal degree and associated training as applicable
  • Willingness and ability to travel internationally as required.
  • Engaging Local Communities
    • Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health come from all parts of the globe and are expected to have a meaningful impact in their home community once the fellowship is complete. To help ensure success, Atlantic Fellows must have regional support and mentorship in the communities where they hope to have impact. Applicants will be asked to outline in their applications who their regional mentors will be and how they will help them be transformative in their home country. 
  • Education and Training
    • Applicants from all disciplines and professional backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a strong foundation of experience and expertise and be ready to advance meaningful and impactful work. Applicants should complete the highest degree and associated training they wish to obtain in their particular field. For example, this includes but is not limited to competitive applicants who are:
      • Artists or other creative professionals who would have: a portfolio, an interest in improving the lives of people living with dementia and their care partners, a public platform to showcase their portfolio, etc.
      • Physicians who will have: completed an MD, residency and other fellowship specialties, have an interest in improving clinical practice, etc.
      • Researchers who will have: completed a PhD and postdoctoral training, have an interest in generating and distributing knowledge to advance the field of brain health and dementia prevention. 
      • Innovators, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and other professionals who will have developed significant expertise in their field and track record of achievement.

For more information, visit GBHI.

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